What’s the difference between World Building and World Building Jr?

It's time for an exciting change! To better accommodate our world builders' growth and the arrival of new, imaginative minds, we have added another level to our world-building curriculum.

Our more experienced world builders are ready to delve deeper into the intricacies of writing. Meanwhile, our younger students are eager to unleash their creativity through character illustrations and innovative plots.

In the upcoming year, our older students will explore three captivating novels alongside their writing projects:

  1. "The Wizard of Earthsea" by Ursula Le Guin

  2. "The Last Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle

  3. "Bayou Magic" by Jewell Parker Rhodes

Our younger students in World Building Jr. will dive into the following engaging books:

  1. "Give This Book A Cover" by Jarrett Lerner

  2. "Give This Book a Title" by Jarrett Lerner

  3. "Missed Meal Mayhem" by Jarrett Lerner

Both classes serve as excellent creative electives for homeschooled students in grades 3-11. We can't wait to see the incredible worlds and stories our students will create!


Our Master Plans are here!


Fall Registration 2024