The Master Plan: Kindergarten

Are these plans completely secular?

Yes! I’ve spent over two decades taking religion out of plans, and now I want to make it easier for current homeschooling parents by compiling a K-8 Master Plan that makes secular homeschooling open and go.

What curriculum is scheduled in The Master Plan?

We schedule Saxon Math, The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading, MCP Plaid Phonics, Sadlier Vocabulary, First Language Lessons, Write By Number, Getty Dubay Handwriting, Story of the World, Exploring the World Through Story, and many more time-tested curricula.

I use something else for math; can I switch it out?

You can, of course, tweak this plan however you like. However, its strength lies in the fact that it is a completely planned, academically sound year, and once you start to “Frankenstein” it, you will lose the convenience you have with an open-and-go plan for the year.

Why is The Master Plan in analog form?

Analog materials are tangible and easy to use. Parents can hold and interact with the materials, which may help them stay engaged and focused during lessons.

  • Analog materials are less distracting than digital devices, which can lead to greater focus and attention during lessons.

  • Analog materials are less likely to be affected by technical difficulties or connectivity issues, ensuring that lessons can proceed smoothly.

  • Analog materials can be easily shared and passed down from one child to another, making them a cost-effective option for homeschooling families.

What’s the schedule for releasing each grade level?

Kindergarten is set for an April 1, 2024 release date.

First and Second Grades: August 2024

Third and Fourth Grades: April 2025

Fifth and Sixth Grades: TBD

Seventh and Eighth Grades: TBD

Can I order my textbooks from The Bookish Society?

Not yet, but we hope to add that feature in the future. For now, we suggest ordering from Rainbow Resource or Thriftbooks.

Do I have to purchase all those read-aloud books?

Nope. You should be able to request all of them from your local library. The way we set up The Master Plan makes it easy to substitute any read-aloud for something that either suits your tastes and budget or is just plain more accessible to you.

Does The Master Plan include everything my state requires homeschoolers to teach?

Every state in the United States has different (and changing) homeschooling laws. Please check your state’s website to confirm you comply.

Wait, are you the Jenn from The Kitchen Table Homeschool Podcast?

I sure am. I also co-authored How to Homeschool the Kids You Have: Advice from the Kitchen Table. Way back in the day, on the Well Trained Mind boards, I was Jenn in IL and then Rivendellmom. I began homeschooling in 2001 and will graduate my youngest from homeschooling in Spring 2024.




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